Author Information
Organized Session Submission
The goal of organized sessions is to provide focused discussions on a new topic or innovative applications of a new approach. Each session consists of 5-6 papers, which will be reviewed via the normal review process. Both regular and position papers can be included in a session. For session proposals, it is recommended to include a brief statement of the session focus, together with the submission of the individual papers.
Submission (OS)
The proposals for the organized sessions must be accompanied with the following information:
- Session title
- Session description
- Session organizers (name, affiliation, contact information)
- Session chair
- List of corresponding authors (name, affiliation)
The proposals must be submitted through Papercept by the due date. The proposals are reviewed by the SICE2025 program committee. Please note that not all proposals may be accepted due to limitation of session slots. For the accepted proposals, the organizers are responsible for moderation of the session at SICE2025. When an organized session proposal is submitted, the session identification code is sent to the organizer. Please notify the presenters to input the code in submitting organized session regular/position papers. Deadline of the paper submission is the same as those of regular sessions, and the accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
The session identification code can be found in the manuscript data shown in the acknowledgment letter. This code is needed for the submission of an organized session paper. The type of presentation of Organized Sessions is only Oral Presentation.