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Paper Submission
SICE FES 2025 accepts three types of submissions for review.
All of submissions should be written in English
and regular/position papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
Regular paper
Full papers (4–6 pages in conference format) must be submitted for review. The accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The normal length for the final manuscript of the regular paper is 6 pages. Papers exceeding 6 pages may be submitted upon payment of overlength page charges. A maximum of 2 extra pages over 6 pages are permitted. The paper must be submitted through Papercept by the due date.
Position paper
Extended abstracts (2–4 pages in conference format) must be submitted for review. This category is provided for authors who want to present a timely review of research, a case study, and so on. This type of paper will NOT be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The paper must be submitted through Papercept by the due date.
Late Breaking Poster
Abstracts (100-200 words) must be submitted for quick review. This category was established for all researchers, including students, to present their ongoing research as a poster presentation and discuss it with other researchers. Abstract will be published only in the conference program. The abstract must be submitted through Papercept by the due date.
A dummy PDF file for the submission of SICE 2025 Late Breaking Poster (LBP).
Neither PDF files nor posters are required for LBP submissions.
However, if you do not submit a PDF file,
an email will be sent to you with the error message "Submission incomplete."
Please submit this dummy PDF file
for smooth processing.
The size of the board on which the poster will be placed is H2100mm x W900mm; A0 paper will fit within this range. If you use paper that extends beyond the size of the board, cut the edges or otherwise try to keep the poster within this range.